



钛友益思国际教育科技有限公司是致力于推动中国可持续发展目标(SDGs)社会化的解决方案供应机构。自 2016 年起,钛友益思旗下的钛计划?可持续发展全球实践项目,足迹遍布四个大洲的五个国家和地区,累计服务数万学员。2020年被中国社会企业与社会投资论坛认证为“向善企业”。

自 2020 年起,应市场需求为多家学校、机构、国企及文旅项目提供SDGs 融合解决方案的设计实施服务。并为各类学校、政府部门和社区提供可持续发展教育的培训、研学项目设计和咨询服务。

About Us

Global Youth Tie (GYT) is a social enterprise that promotes participation from public especially younger generation to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals, and become responsible global citizens.
Tie shares the sense of “Bond together”. We believe that all the nations and people are bond together while cherishing the fruits of economic development and solving issues caused by it as well.
Global Youth Tie program began with trainers from worldwide to help Chinese youth engage with international development issues by PBL, study tour, field research and so on in Thailand, US, UK,Kenya and China since 2017.
So far, we provide SDGs general education, Network for SDGs promoters and science popularization on Sustainable Development topic, and design for SDGs programs for market needs.


Main Achievement and Cooperation



Center for Environmental Education and Communication of China Ministry of Ecology and Environment (CEEC)

Assigned by CEEC as the representative of National Operators of Eco-school program, which is organized by Foundation for Environmental Education. Facilitate other representatives to develop national guide on Eco-school operation and organize training for teachers national wide for better implementing the project. Integrate SDGs into its environmental thematic topics, and promote SDGs public education within CEEC’s school system.



Center for Environmental Education and Communication of Yunnan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment

Design and implemented Ecological Study tour for CEEC of Yunnan, organized students representatives from different schools to participate in the program and reported by various media from local to central media center.



Yunnan Low Carbon School Pilot Project
Funded by European Union, cooperated with Humana People to People China office to design and develop a series of Online-courses for students and public, and deliver training for project teachers, improve the public awareness of Climate Change, promote carbon energy saving andcarbon neutrality.



Baidu Biodiversity Conservation Video Program

Consulting with academic and scholars from Institute of Botany and Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, universities and museums, designed and developed 100 Videos on the top 100 questions from Baidu research engine for science popularization. Initiated the topic of "Children Prosper with Nature" on Baidu Baijia social media platform, and received 1,199 pieces of contents and 4.83 million reads.



Actions for SDGs #39168 Public Education and Participation Partnerships

Authorized by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) to generate qualified alliance by mobilizing and empowering partnership among different stakeholders, including business, CSOs, governments, communities and individual etc. to promote public awareness and engagement for SDGs achievements.



Children Centered Biodiversity Learning& Research Working Committee (CCBLRWC) For Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity on its fifteenth meeting (UN CBD Cop15)
Authorized from Child Center of China, Global Youth Tie designed and implemented Children’s parallel activities for CBD COP 15 under the supervision from Ministry of Ecology and Environment of PRC, including engaging Baidu and other social media for Biodiversity education and publicity targeting public, schools and communities.
Besides, organized Biodiversity lectures, training, and scientific research study tours etc. across China for Children Centered Biodiversity Learning & Research Program. And edited the Children and Biodiversity Conservation Research Book for Child Center of China.
